Day 45


Snow swirls around Nick and me as we wait outside for our table to be prepared. He stands patiently in front of the glowing Olive Garden sign, and with some hesitation, tells me that I have been acting strangely. He would know as well as anyone, I guess - he's been with me since day one. I ask him to clarify, and take another few pictures.

"I don't know. It just seems like you've changed."
"Are you telling me I got fat?"
"Well, not just that. You're different."

I don't press him further. We all knew how it would end from the moment I first told the family that I was going to eat all the pasta. Still, it's strange to think it's already happening.

Lunch was Spring.

Dinner was composed of three plates of pasta:


Four days left. Then what?

A special thanks to my dining companion, Nick!

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